[Map Editor] Faction Settings reset after publishing locally

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The faction settings reset to random for both the Player and the AI Players after publishing the map locally. Even the Empire Player gets a random Underlord name and a random theme despite setting a custom name and the empire theme. Locked player slots are open again or set to 'Locked AI'. If I test the map from the editor the correct settings are used.

Used settings for the map:

Type: Scenario

Mutators: Only change was setting fog of war to start black

Underlord 1: Open - Theme set to standard

Underlord 2: Locked AI - Theme set to standard - Personality set to Korvek

Underlord 3: Disabled

Underlord 4: Disabled

Empire: Locked AI - Theme set to Empire (No Dungeon Core and no Inhibitors)
Checkbox to lock theme selection: Checked

If I test the map within the editor the settings work. If I publish the map locally to test it without god mode the faction settings are all set to random. In one of my tests i got the Lamash Theme, Underlord 2 was Oberon with the Arcane Theme and the Empire Player was named Draven and used Draven's Theme.

After opening the published map with the editor all the faction settings were set to random and 'Locked AI'. Only Underlord 1 was set to 'Open'.

I did not test publishing to the Steam Workshop.

Game Version:
Steam Public

So the faction reset is kind of a bummer, having no control over the skins and all sucks.

Especially the fact that empire always turns into Draven


Yep, we will have a look when we are next working on WFTO bug fixing 


I'm having the same problem now in 2023 , player 1 is AI, player 2 is open and one player as the good guys AI, when i go to test it, it defaults the AI player to being the human character.