New bug issue

  • atualizado
  • Completed - Resolved

Good morning, my computer crashes after the splash screen. I can alt tab once it crashs and close the game manually with the 'x' button on the window. The game goes black screen no sound no nothing. I have changed the compatibility mode to windows 7( im running 10)  on both files. I have changed the launch setting to the d9 and d11 codes. I have updated directx, ran the game as admin, reinstalled the game 3 times, verified the files, restarted my computer. can i please get some help on this. Also I have 27 game hours played on it from a few years back. I  havent played since then, maybe its my old game data files?  I am running through steam, I've tried putting the game into another folder outside of steam as well. didnt help.

Image 3635

Image 3633

Image 3634

Game Version:
Steam Public
Duplicates 1
Re: New bug issue
Where can i find those?

Thank you
Michael R Scordo

i have already followed that guide and tried the list. With zero results

Can you tell me how to upload the log you need?

Also i realized i said my computer crashes in the first post. It doesnt crash the screen goes black after the splash logo. I can exit the game easily thought w alt tab


Please follow this guide: How to: Submit a Bug Ticket

  • Pending Customer

Hey Michael,

Could you please upload the log files so I can get a closer look at them? You should be able to attach them as a reply to this ticket