Lockshackle. Can't use enemies in prison

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Map Lockshackle from My pet dungeon.

When I captured 2 prisons from the empire, inside I discovered several imperial units. I can not take them in hand, I can not use them for blood money. But I can hit them with lightning.

This is normal?
Game Version:
Steam Public
Old Cat

I've seen it sometimes on some other maps. Sometimes enemy units are getting trapped in prison somehow, but they are not real prisoners, they just cannot leave prison because it has no doors. Your only option is to sell the prison, defeat them and then build it again.

Я видел такое на некоторых картах. Иногда вражеские юниты каким-то образом застревают внутри тюрьмы. Но они не являются заключенными, поэтому их нельзя взять в руку. Они просто не могут покинуть пределы тюрьмы, так как у нее нет дверей. Остается только продать тюрьму, убить их и построить ее заново.



This is my saves. 2 savegames named "bug" and "bug2" - this is a problem with prisoners.

Savegame "Bug-enemy escaping from trap" - for this bugreport Enemies escaping from "trap"

(but it very easy to reproduce)


It happened again on the same map.

My army attacked the enemy base, and at the same time the workers claiming the prison and put enemies in it.


Status for prison:

Prisoners Held: 0/1 .

But I see that there are three prisoners