WFTOGame.exe has stopped working when quit

  • Views 13.167
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

When I pressed the QUIT button, WFTOGame.exe has stopped working.

The output_log says that NullReferenceException has occured.

Image 2151

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I can confirm that I am having this issue too. Here is a recording of it, and my output log.

2016-12-18 18-24-51.mp4


Stefan Furcht

Seems the error which you guys had is now fixed.
Now your logs look clean and I do not know what could be still causing this.
I fear again a Unity issue on certain systems, as it does not happen to me.

Stefan Furcht

Can you try something for me?
Can you start cmd.exe and type regedit to open the registry editor.
Go to the folder
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Subterranean Games / War for the Overworld
and delete all keys in right window which start with

then restart and quit the game.
Does it still do that?

Seems to be an issue other Unity games have as well.
Hope this gets addressed soon.

BlackBeard San

the problem is caused by the translation files.
editing the file with a free programs(libreoffice / openoffice) are created automatically columns and this causes the bug when you click on QUIT or when you enter the game menu.

try moving the translation files, without the community translation file the problem does not occur.

use google docs for edit files

Stefan Furcht

I would at least not see how.
The translation files are parsed on game load and only again if set in the options and in this process any additional columns or anything which is not part of the key-text-pairs gets ignored.
From then the files are untouched and their keys are just stored in a dictionary in memory.
So there is no reason that this could have any impact at least theoretically.

BlackBeard San

I will try to reproduce the bug tomorrow


Unfortunately, deleting the registry did not improve this problem.

Stefan Furcht

It might be a Unity thing and they released a new hotfix themselves which is supposed to resolve crashes.
"Game Performance: Fixed a potential crash on player exit if Game Performance Service is enabled."
We have this service on and thus this fix note matches our problem here exactly.

We will update to this Unity version and will see if this stops the annoying crashes on quit.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

Going to mark this as done for now - The next patch that comes out should resolve this problem. If not, let us know and we'll reopen it to investigate further.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Completed - Next Patch