Weird homerealm behaviour

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Hi Guys,

There is some weird behaviour in this save file of my home realm:

- Glacial doors at the dungeon core appear opened, but locked

- Beds of minions are missing (but that one is known afaik)

- The fight in the arena (a bit east when loading this save) has bugged (i've tried loading this save twice, same results)

o Beasts kill each other (they aren't being moved out and healed)

o When the beasts are picked up and put down outside the arena, they are hostile to all my creatures (and each other)

Please find a log and the save file attached




Game Version:
Steam Public

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Feedback on this (and other issues I've been involved in) was amazing!I will test the changes as soon as I can :-)

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Thanks for fixing! I agree the gold issue is minor, just look at the sheer size of the vault required to store it in ;-)

But it seems that you aren't seeing the same issue with the doors as I did (and in all my wisdom I forgot to take screenshots..)

Basically, I kept those glacial doors locked throughout the game. So they should appear as you've shown in the screenshot. However, when I loaded the game it showed the doors as locked,indicated by the keypad and chains, but opened. Some Unity knowledge I acquired very recently ( ^^ ) tells me that it seems that the Animator Controller (the state machine thingey) thinks the door should be animated as opened. And because it's locked, will not allow for further movements of the door. It's still blocking access though.

I could fix the visuals by:

1. unlocking the door

2. drop a minion next to it

3. pick the minion up again

4. door will close

5 lock door

I will try to reproduce the issue with the doors when I get home.


Stefan Furcht

I am pretty sure that this problem will be fixed for you with next update (as it is for me when loading your Home Realm save),
because we did quite some other fixes around doors and I am sure this one was just one more unwanted side effect we had before we fixed some essential issues with doors.

But in case you still get any door issue in v1.4.2 please let us know.


Ah, cool! Thanks!

Can't wait! ^^

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved